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Putting LSU’s Manship Values to the Test


LSU‘s Manship School of Mass Communication, rightfully, expects PR graduates to have a good understanding of how to carry out research, present to different audiences and implement plans alongside team members. Throughout the past four years, I’ve been forced to do dreaded “group work.” It was only through this  service-learning experience with LDSC that I’ve started to understand the importance and benefits of teamwork in the PR field.

Mind Tools offers an article that shows a cases good list of time management skills. The main areas discussed in the article include:

1.  Goals—Members should be sure they are all on the same page as far as the specific plans and aspirations of a campaign.

  • PPR’s main goal, at this time, is preparing to research focus groups and planning our informational event.

2.  Priorities—The team should tag levels of importance to different things and aspects of the campaign. They should consider the wisest ways to allocate their time, energy and money.

  • We are currently deciding budgeting for flyers, posters, food and video productions. Although all of those things are necessary for our campaign, we have to decide which is more/ most important.

3.  Meetings—It should go without saying that a group of people should meet regularly. It is up to the members, though, to assure that each gathering is an effective use of their time and efforts.

  • PPR has been meeting at least once a week every week. We discuss and plan times and places over a group chatting app, GroupMe.  We also ensure an efficient gathering by all bringing in key points to discuss rather than sitting together and attempting to think of things to say on spot.

4.  Interruptions—Groups should try to minimize interruptions to maximize meeting times.

  • Our usual meetings consist of people texting, emailing and having a few side conversations, but it is minimal and generally has not affected our productivity.

5. Delegations—Each team should be accountable to other members if something is not correctly addressed.

  • Each member of PPR has a specific task to carry out in the group. Our tasks often overlap, though, because we help each other a lot.

6.  Written Communications—Members should consider how much and how well intercommunications are being used.

  • As mentioned earlier, most of our communication is via GroupMe and our e-mail. It’s very useful.

7.  Procrastination—Don’t waste time and meet deadlines.

  • So far, we’ve been staying on top of all of our class and client work.  Up to date, we’ve turned in all assignments to class and have presented logo options to the LDSC execs.

I see now the benefits of having a cohesive, like-minded group of members. It’s a learning process for everyone, and sort of awkward at first. Once everyone is comfortable with each other, the group can be much more productive and creative than one person alone could be.

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